the roaring 20’s

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?

post pandemic thoughts…

“damn, did we just survive a pandemic?”

“holy hell what just happened?”

“do we get to restart where we left off?”

i went through a lot during the covid years and i am looking back think what the entire *^%# happened?

not only am reeling from the reality of survival, i am still processing what walked in the front door.

unhealed pain.

unresolved guilt and shame.


suppressed memories.

all that and then some came barking up my tree of life and revealed how much i had healed and how much more i still needed to work through.

as we all went through it in some form or another i was actually able to take a step back and reflect. it was a good way to exercise what i had learned, not only about myself but the forms of toxic family dysfunctions and unhealed behavioral patterns.

learning about myself helped me to understand my unmet childhood needs and the ability to reparent myself and forgive family for their behaviors.

recently i was told to stop talking about healing and trauma. based on what COVID revealed, i most likely won’t considering i am actively engaged and working on healing daily.

as many times as i posted on healing ppl still miss that it is not a linear process and healing looks like a squiggly line all over a map. there is nothing linear and if we experienced violence as children that is traumatic.

looking back, i won’t stop posting about healing because i am working on it daily. i might just put more content out on it.

for now i’m saying in self reflection, i have more work to do and i look forward to finding more joy and peace within myself post covid.

you see, i or rather, some of us survived. some of us made it through that demon hell hole of a vortex that took us all on a proverbial thriller roller coaster ride.

i made it through yall. now its time to pump up the jams and get through the next decade knowing i did the work. will continue to do the work. and last but not least love doing this work.

always and forever an advocate for children i am here to say if i can do it, so can you!

peace to you and yours on your healing journey and welcome in this new world and way of being and living.

yox kalo

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1 thought on “the roaring 20’s

  1. Someone told you to stop talking about healing? That is not the kind of negativity you need in your life. I mean, I don’t know you, but I knew that anyone who tells someone to stop talking about healing is being a negative Nancy and needs to STFU and go away for a while to think about what they just said.


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